
What is unhealthy conflict costing you in Organization, Operations, and Financial Results?

Have you, as a business owner, leader, or manager, ever thought about how much unhealthy conflict is costing you and your organization? If so, continue reading to gain insights and solutions to turning your unhealthy conflict into healthy ones, while creating High Contribution Cultures (HCC).
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Why investing in your people leads to higher performance and business results

Companies are spending more than $30 Billion in Human Capital and Leadership Development Programs. Only 13% of executives believe they are doing an excellent job at developing and engaging the workforce at all levels.
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Stories of Self Designing Systems

In order for any organizational design project to be effective, client staff must be more than supportive, more than involved, they must be the ones doing most of the work. To help clients follow the intricacies of this process, we’ve developed a “road map for change.”
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Making Collaboration Your New Normal

Governing is complex in the best of situations, and nearly impossible in the worst. We as community leaders have been challenged by a deteriorating traditional economy and a largely inarticulate demand to operate government “differently.”
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It would be easy, if it wasn’t for people

Change – it can be invigorating or it can be extremely difficult. Some changes are so easy that they seem to accomplish themselves while others never have a chance!
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Creating a Self Designed Organizational Approach to System Change

Imposed changes in today’s municipal , not-for-profit and educational environments include delivering select services with fewer financial resources, loss of human capital, rapidly changing technologies and increasingly vocal constituents. Although many local governments and educational institutions continue to respond with traditional approaches in this new environment others are seeking new strategies to use in navigating this changing landscape.
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Challenges to Regionalization of Emergency Management

The success of today’s Emergency Management enterprise and its long-term viability is dependent upon many things, among which are

  • the accurate definition and assessment of new challenges,
  • the alignment and the integration of the organization’s vision and strategies by the leadership,
  • the cohesiveness and dedication of committed stakeholders, and,
  • the ability of the “troops” and population to adapt to the ever changing state of conditions.

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Big Box: Work Within the Box

The New Regionalism in Michigan and other Mid-west states are not the elimination of local government but Collaboration and Cooperation between the communities.
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