Testimonial — Roy Sexton

I have had the benefit and privilege of knowing Neil Simon for about ten years now. Yes, everyone I know thinks I’m friends with a famous playwright. I’m not. At least not THAT playwright. Rather, I know a Neil Simon who is a consummate business professional with a keen analytic insight and a relentless drive for perfection. Those are words that often are blithely sprinkled through testimonials like this, but, in this instance, they are acutely true.

I’ve worked with Neil on a number of projects, chiefly looking at structural models to engage, incent, and promote physicians when I headed up marketing and planning for Oakwood Healthcare (now Beaumont Health). I have continually been impressed by Neil’s ability to quickly assess a situation, its pitfalls and advantages (culture really DOES eat strategy for lunch), and map a path for success. Neil doesn’t suffer fools gladly, but his incisive perspective is always delivered with grace and respect. That is essential in modern business where too many consultants do, indeed, ask for your watch, read you the time, and hand it back to you.

Neil is no timekeeper.

He leverages his extensive knowledge of management and organizational efficiency techniques to identify the root causes holding an organization back, working closely (and empowering) project champions to develop, implement, and succeed. He is an expert at embedding himself in an organization, learning its ins-and-outs rapidly, keeping costs low, and working quickly.

Since working with him at Oakwood, he is one of the rare consultants I have retained as a personal friend. His inquisitive mind and his passion for life (just ask him about his Judo black belt … go on … I dare you) are a tonic, and I am certain that, if you hire Neil, your ROI – personally and professionally – will be a hundred-fold.

Roy Sexton, Regional Director Marketing
Physician Network Organization